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            Like cures like. This principle is used not only by homeopaths but also scientists working in various fields. It also played an important role in the practice of doctors and microbiologists working on the development of new medications.
           We all know that infectious diseases are caused by microbes. Since their discovery people have been searching for ways to destroy these pathogenic agents. 
           Bacteria, as it turned out, easily developed an "antidote" against drugs and people had to invent ever more variations of medications. The more developed the pharmaceutical industry was, the more resourceful the microbes became. This process is never-ending and clearly leads us into a dead end...
           And then man discovered another method of fighting disease. He used the property of microbes naturally formed through the evolutionary process – the antagonism between different kinds of microbes. This property is the result of their struggle for survival. Instead of destroying harmful microbes as it used to be done, why not use other microorganisms, antagonistic to the microbes which caused the infection? These "drugs" are called probiotics.
           Some scientists predict that in ten years' time probiotics will claim priority over antibiotics and become the most popular drugs in the arsenal of human and veterinary medicine. Besides, probiotics are already among the most fashionable and expensive medications in the United States and Europe. The world is already aware of their superiority! They offer the body the same advantages as antibiotics but don't include the drawbacks: probiotics do not affect the normal symbiotic microflora. Their active agents are bacteria – the "white warriors" with required capacities.
           Probiotics – the products of the Vetom series – are also produced in Siberia. You may know of the powerful research center close to Novosibirsk which, in the past, developed biological weapons. However after the conversion, its production capacities are no longer used for biological bombs. And instead of developing ways of destroying higher organisms the scientists there began searching for ways to cure them, a far more noble enterprise. Now the scientists of the Koltsovo-based research and production company "Research Center” produce probiotics for the benefit of humans and animals. And their products don't cost hundreds and thousands dollars for a package but only tens of rubles, or the equivalent of two or three dollars. And, thank goodness, we have this supermodern complex! Otherwise we would have no chance of treatment with the medications of the ХХI century!
           It is very easy to use the product, it should be eaten. When the bacteria, "the white warriors" get into the gastrointestinal tract, they multiply and form a colony which, through its metabolic processes, supplies the gastrointestinal tract with healing substances: human leukocytic interferon alfa-2 and a wide range of antibiotics the composition of which constantly changes depending on which specific "black warrior" they are currently battling. These bacteria also provide the organism with enzymes and vitamins. The use of Vetom makes it possible to bring two major functions – the immunity and the intestinal microflora composition – to the state corresponding to that of a healthy organism. As the result, the body can cope with the "black warriors" by itself, without medications. This is really very "clever" anti-bacteriological weaponry, in no way inferior to self-guided warheads! 
           Vetom is used for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases with the diarrhea syndrome, viral and bacterial infections (salmonellosis, colibacteriosis, dysentery, etc.) and viral infections (enteritis, influenza, parainfluenza, rhinotracheitus, hepatitis, plague of the carnivorous animals, etc.). It is also used for the correction of immunodeficiency states of animals and birds (all warm-blooded creatures), as well as for the stimulation of their growth and development.
           Vetom 1.1, the first of the probiotics developed by the Research Center, achieves best results when used for prophylactic purposes. It doesn't make sense to wait until the infection residing in the oganism spreads and causes the disease. Vetom will effectively rid the organism of foreign microflora. It is very good for stimulating the growth of young animals which put on weight fast.
           The products of the Vetom series, as follows from the application instruction, are intended for veterinary medicine, that is for animal treatment, but we are talking about the organisms of warm-blooded animals without making distinctions. Does this mean that a medication from a veterinary drugstore can be used for humans?
           "It has been developed for humans”, says the director of the Research Center, Alexander I. LELYAK. Unfortunately, at the first stage of its implementation animals and poultry had more "luck" because the certification procedure in veterinary medicine is much cheaper and faster. The products of the Vetom series have passed state tests on animal farms in 15 regions of the Russian Federation. These tests showed that this product makes it possible to successfully fight diseases caused by fungi, bacteria and viruses. Vetom also stimulates the weight increase of young animals. It is currently widely used on cattle-breeding farms in Russia.
           Among the bacterial preparations produced by the Research Center, I’d like to note Vetom-3, the preparation for treatment and prevention of the diseases of digestive organs and immunodeficiency states of animals, and Bioseptin, the ointment for treating wounds and fungous diseases. There are many others. All these products are highly effective. Curently our researchers are busy working on the certification of the Vetom preparation as a biologically active food supplement. The certificate will allow us to sell it in drugstores and other places. May your treatment be successful! 
           RIA-NOVOSTI, correspondent

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