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    We are talking to the Director of
           the Research Center 
           research and production company (Koltsovo)
           Alexander I. LELYAK

           “According to medical statistics, every year one third of all mankind suffers from infectious diseases. For this country the figure is up to 70 percent”, these were the opening words of Alexander Lelyak. And the list of these diseases and provoking agents (bacteria, viruses and fungi) is constantly getting longer. About 30 infectious agents have been registered over the last few years. Among them are Ebola and hemorrhagic fevers, the Marburg disease, Legionellosis, rotavirus infections, etc. We also have our old acquaintances – influenza, intestinal infections, hepatites, chlamydioses, tuberculosis. The epidemological situation in the world and in Russia is aggravated by the constant appearance of new strains of microorganisms resistant to antibiotics which are widely used in practical health care. All these agents are a real threat to humans and animals, all the more so because the disease often becomes chronic and is followed by complications. 

     Alexander Ivanovitch, what are the main features of infectious diseases, where does the danger lie?

             - Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate animal and human organisms by a variety of routes: through the skin, respiratory tracts, mucous membranes, the digestive system. If, at this stage, they do not encounter adequate resistance from the immune system, they begin to proliferate exponentially, their number increasing by thousands of times in a matter of hours. The immune system cannot keep pace and suppress them – clinical presentations of the disease appear accompanied by corresponding symptoms. The danger of infectious diseases is due to the fact that during their development and disintegration pathogenic organisms release toxic substances which, penetrating various organs via blood stream, poison them. And quite often it causes serious complications.
           Note that a healthy organism also always has microorganisms, pathogenic to a certain degree, but they are “watched over” by the immune system and cannot cause an acute form of disease. We all can carry and spread pathogenic microbes and viruses without even suspecting it. This is why prevention measures are extremely important – personal hygiene and prophylactic medications which strengthen our host defenses.

           It is now generally known that all natural phenomena both in the physical and philosophical sense of the word have their antipodes. Plus and minus, good and evil, particle and antiparticle. This list can be extended. Does the same hold true for microbes, bacteria and viruses? 

           - Yes. There is harmful (or, in the language of science, pathogenic) microflora and there is beneficial microflora. And if the latter were “in the minority” we wouldn’t be talking now. Using imagery, we call useful microorganisms “white warriors”. Mankind and the whole animal world wouldn’t be able to survive without them. These “white warriors” constantly rebut the attacks of “black warriors” carrying various infections. 
           Research conducted over a number of years has demonstrated that balance of the microflora in a person’s body is of utmost importance for maintaining health. It is present on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, in the body cavities, and actively participates in the interaction between the “host” and the environment. The functions of these microorganisms are very diverse: they regulate the functioning of the intestines, take part in the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, produce biologically active compounds (vitamins, amino acids, enzymes), neutralize toxins, etc. Besides, normal microflora opposes many infectious agents and protects humans from infections. 

           But the medicine doesn’t stand still. Many diseases which used to haunt mankind sank into oblivion, so to say. Do you agree?

           - Yes, this is so. And the discovery of vaccination and antibiotics was of critical importance here. However, when using any remedies one should know where to stop. 
           In their combat with pathogenic microflora modern human and veterinary medicine mostly use chemical substances, purified and concentrated agents of biological origin or their synthetic analogs. Large-scale use of such substances has caused a new problem – drug resistance. Medications reapplied many times lose the desired medical effect. A good illustration is the use of antibiotics.
           When antibiotics are applied part of the colony of "black warriors” is not destroyed. It adapts and survives in the medium of this specific antibiotic. Moreover, the microbe cell registers the information about the mechanism of defense in its genetic memory making next generations of microbes resistant to this antibiotic. The use of a different antibiotic triggers this process once again, and so on.
           Thus, the development of medical and veterinary science commonly requires the creation of super-antibiotics. The response of the microworld to the introduction of super-antibiotics into the medical practice is obvious, as can be seen from the experimental material already at our disposal. It is the birth of a super-microbe. This process can go on indefinitely and clearly leads us into a dead-end. Nature has provided all living beings with the ability to change, which, considering the speed of multiplication of microbes, turns them into perfect self-developing and self-learning biological “machines”.
           The price paid for scientific and technical progress turned out to be rather high: the balance which existed in nature is now disrupted, the host defenses of humans and animals weakened. Some links of the immunity chain which protects humans from harmful influences from the outside gradually began “to fall out”, weakening the immunity. One consequence was the appearance of AIDS, the most wide-spread disease on the planet – the Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome (it is not only the HIV infection), and also AAIDS –the Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome in Animals. This term has been introduced by Professor Nozdrin from the Novosibirsk Agrarian University. 
           The attempt of humans to defend themselves against “black warriors” by chemical treatment of vegetables – both for their disinfection and increasing storage time – has led to a chronic shortage of “white warriors” which also enter our organisms with fruit and vegetables.
           “White warriors” are as variable and inventive as “black warriors” in their struggle which has been going on for millions of years and which allowed us to form as a species, to survive and live healthy and productive lives.
           However, all this does not mean that starting from tomorrow we all should stop washing the products of agriculture. Technogenic development of our civilization has significantly altered the state of many eco-systems, including the balance between the “black warriors” and the “white warriors” in the soil. This balance was the result of Mother Nature’s efforts for millions of years and was to ensure the health of all growing and living organisms on the planet. In many regions biocenosis has been pushed into the "black" area. This is why the products of agriculture need to be washed and the soil healed.

           So, is it “back to nature”? This is the slogan of many ecological movements the activists of which believe that mankind is developing in the wrong way, mercilessly exploiting natural resources and increasing the production of chemical substances.

           – Time cannot be turned back. This is why I would say – forward to nature. It is impossible to get rid of automobiles, computers, other achievements of our civilization. We need to move on in the same direction and move faster because without scientific achievements in various fields of knowledge we won’t be able to satisfy the growing needs of mankind. Limiting them is a senseless enterprise.
           To improve the health of all that is growing and living on Earth we need to make full use of the potential inherent in living nature. We also need to make better use of our intellectual capacities in order to understand nature and to learn how to live in peace with other parts of the ecosystem, using the "do no harm" principle.
           In my opinion, one of the promising directions of creating medical, preventive and other products and medications is the development of probiotics in which the acting agents are bacteria, “the white warriors”, with required capacities. For this purpose we learned how to locate and “educate” the “white warriors”. After this process the culture is produced in the corresponding preparative form.
           This is how VETOM appeared – a product containing the culture of the Bacillus subtilis bacterium.
           The main work on the development of the recombinant culture Bacillus subtilis VKPM B 7092 was carried out in the Vector research and production association and, under its guidance, in other organizations. It was part of the research program approved by the government of the former USSR. Hundreds of microbiologists worked on this project. Research Center participated in the development of this culture, besides, the company developed its preparative form allowing for the survival of the bacteria in the external environment and their efficiency in the gastrointestinal tract. The patent for this culture belongs to the Vector state research center of virology and biotechnology and Koltsovo-based Research Center. The patents for the technology and the trade mark belong to Research Center.
           And it is very easy to use this product – it has to be eaten. When the bacteria get into the gastrointestinal tract, they multiply and form a colony which, through its metabolic processes, supplies the gastrointestinal tract with healing substances: human leukocytic interferon alfa-2, a wide range of bacitracins, enzyme and vitamins. The use of ВЕТОМ allows to bring two main functions – the immunity and the intestinal microflora composition – to the state corresponding to a healthy human organism. As the result, the organism can cope with foreign microflora (“black warriors”) by itself, without medications.

           Alexander Ivanovitch, but the products of the VETOM series, as follows from the application instruction, are intended for veterinary medicine, that is for animal treatment… But you are talking about humans.

           – It has been developed for humans. Unfortunately, at the first stage of its implementation animals and poultry had more “luck” because the certification procedure in veterinary medicine is cheaper. Preparations of the VETOM series have passed state tests on animal farms of 15 regions of the Russian Federation. These tests showed that this product allows to successfully fight diseases caused by fungi, bacteria and viruses. VETOM also stimulates weight increase of the young animals. It is currently widely used on animal farms in Russia. On many farms antibiotics are now used only in exceptional cases and then this treatment is always followed by a therapy course with VETOM 1.1 in order to restore normal intestinal microflora. As the result of targeted and professional use of VETOM 1.1 the murrain rate in herds was reduced to 1 percent or less. In poultry farming the results are similar.
           Among bacterial preparations that we produce and which are based on the above principles I’d like to note the ointment Bioseptin, the product for the weight increase of animals Vetotsil, the medication for the treatment of cow’s endometritis Vetomgin, the preparation for injections Nozdrin. All these products are highly effective and surpassing by far standard norms and requirements.
           Presently we are busy working on the certification of the VETOM preparation as a biologically active food supplement. The certificate will allow us to sell it in drugstores and other places. Besides, we’ll have the possibility to conduct wide-scale medical research. 
           Our path of the development of medical products fully corresponds to the direction of the evolutionary process. This is why the medical and preventive products that we have developed are equally effective in treatment and prevention of the widest range of infectious diseases in both humans and animals.

           So, they are "live products", if you allow the comparison?

           - Exactly. Pathogenic microflora cannot adapt to the bacteria contained in our products in principle, because they are as or even more dynamic in their perpetual fight with pathogenic bacteria. It is also important that the channels of infection and channels by which our bacteria enter the organism are the same.
           Giving VETOM to animals for prophylactic purposes allows to strengthen their immunity and get rid of dysbacteriosis, decreasing the risk of various diseases and maintaining high productivity of animals. Our "white warriors " guard the organism against infectious diseases and perform its thorough clean-up from residing dangerous microflora. It is this microflora which is one of the main reason of premature aging and early death.

           Well, let’s wish our readers – from children to people of mature age – to be as close to nature as possible and to remember about the possibilities it offers us. And, of course, to live healthy and long lives.

           - Absolutely. 
           Yury TYURIN,
           Correspondent, RIA-Novosti

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